MacWoof has been primarily a labor of love for the past two years. Without the support of my friends and associates, it would never have developed into the fine product it is today.
I would like to express special thanks to Gray Shockley for pushing this project forward and to Paul Heller for services above and beyond the call in setting up a fantastic group of testers as well as using his BBS (the Twilight Clone (301) 946-8677) to provide a test system.
I would also like to thank Maria Langer for her fine appendix on setting up MacWoof to work with Tabby systems as well as for her support of MacWoof in general.
Finally, a special thanks to Ken Knight for invaluable work on getting the unARCing code working and to Matt Russotto for providing the routines that will form the basis for ZedZap transfers in the near future.
We have tried to cover all major aspects of MacWoof installation and operation in here but the unexpected does happen. If you have questions, send NetMail to 1:109/342.365 or leave a message on my BBS at (703) 241-5492.
There is now a support echo for MacWoof (tagname: MACWOOF) of which I am the moderator. It is available from the Zone 1 EchoMail backbone. Or, alternatively, arrangements can be made to pick it up via polling from 1:109/342.
In addition, I participate regularly in the EchoMac, MacDev and MacNetCom echoes though support questions for MacWoof should be directed to the MacWoof conference.
- Craig Vaughan
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